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is my SKR MINI E3 V3 dead?


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Hello, I have a SKR MINI E3 V3 in a Ender 3 pro on steroids. The bed is 300 X 300 and z height of 280.  I installed a CR TOUCH about 6 months ago and have loved both the board and ABL.  I mounted a BTT SMART FILAMENT SENSOR, and when I tried to update the firmware that's when it all went bad.  My smart sensor is mounted but not wired in. My ABL refuses to do its job. It lights up and extends the pin, but that's about all. In the TFT touch screen I can go to the ABL screen and tell it to extend the pin, repeat tests. But I can't get it to measure the bed. I tried to update firmware, but I now noticed the red LED that says firmware update in process is now ALWAYS flashing. AND that's without a card in the slot.   This is a great mainboard and I love the options it gives.   Right now I can not do any printing with the way it is now.  Please help

Bruce Young

Bel Air Md

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