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About This File

My father, my best friend has for over 60 years been involved with radio controlled model aircraft.

He loves all things aircraft, especially military, so I decided about 2 years ago to design and 3D Print
him a Rolls Royce Merlin V12 Engine, as he love this engine.

He has it sitting on a shelf at his home. I thought it has brought so much joy to him that I would share
it here as well, for all to enjoy.

Also I have modeled up the parts for this engine to be printed as a marine engine.

Thank you please enjoy!

Total time

Max printed part is 6 hours.

Layer height

0.12mm and 0.16mm

Nozzle diameter




Total weight

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Thank you for your hard work, I have been looking for this model everywhere.

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