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BIGTREETECH HDMI7 V1.0 Touch Screen with CB1 & Klipper


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I just purchased the PI4B adapter board and CB1 to run Klipper on my Ender-3 S1 Plus.  I installed BQ's version of the Klipper/Mainsail and got it up and running with my printer.  I just received the BTT HDMI7 V1.0 screen today in order to have Klipperscreen on it and to be able to use the touchscreen for local control.  The image is there and it looks great but I can not get the touchscreen to work.  I touch it but there is no response.  I have it hooked up via HDMI to the PI4B/CB1.  But no response with any screen touches.  Is there something I am missing?  Is there a setup in Mainstream or the Klipper config in order to activate the touchscreen portion?  Thank you in advance for your help. 

Edited by EvoScorp
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