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SKR Mini E3 v3.0 and TFT35 v3.0.1


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I purchased the above a few months ago and recently tried to install them in my currently DOA CR-10v3.  After swapping out the board and the display I get a constant beep from the display.  I have tried connecting the SKR to all three of the EXP ports on the display and the TFT -> RS232 port.  The only positive result I get is connecting EXP1 to EXP1 but with the RS232 not connected, at which point I get a short beep that fades out, but at least I get the screen to show the logo followed by the option to select the default Merlin layout or the BTT touch screen layout, but I get no response from the dial...likely because the RS232 port is not connected.  The touch functionality may work, but because the electronics case of the CR-10's covers the TFT screen I don't know for sure without testing it outside of the case.

Is there anything you can recommend for me to get my machine working again.  Thank you.

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