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kevin hill


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Hi, i recently purchased a BiQu B1 printer from my local Micro Center. I brought it home assembled the printer and was excited to print the first test file Pokémon. The print was successful. i moved on to the second test file included with the printer and the printer "halted" just above the ears on the bear. Since then I have not been able to get a successful print no matter what it is i attempt to do. i continue to get error messages "Printer halted. kill( ) called !" i am out of ideas with this machine. i believe that either the hot end or thermistor is bad on a brand new machine. i strongly disagree with purchasing new parts for a machine less then 2 weeks old. so, therefor i would like to know the proper procedure to return this. or if you are familiar with issues similar to mine is there a part to send me that i can use to replace the faulty part. please respond back to me asap so that i can figure out the next step as i would really prefer to continue printing but am currently unable to. I have double checked all my connections and everything is as it should be but i can not get a print to successfully finish without an error code. please help !!!!!!!!!!!! 

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