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TMC Connection Error


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I have BTT SKR V1.4 & TMC2208

Here is M122 readout. Please help.


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>>> M122


                             X            Y              Z            Z2          E

Address               0            0              0            0            0

Enabled                             false              false      false      false              false

Set current         650        800              650        650        800

RMS current      1160      1436              1160      1160      1436

MAX current      1636      2025              1636      1636      2025

Run current        20/31    25/31              20/31    20/31    25/31

Hold current      10/31    12/31              10/31    10/31    12/31

CS actual             0/31      0/31              0/31      0/31      0/31

PWM scale

vsense                 0=.325  0=.325              0=.325  0=.325  0=.325

stealthChop       false      false              false      false      false

msteps                256        256              256        256        256

interp                  false      false              false      false      false

tstep                    0            0              0            0            0

PWM thresh.


OT prewarn        false      false              false      false      false


 OTP                     false      false              false      false      false

pwm scale sum 0            0              0            0            0

pwm scale auto 0            0              0            0            0

pwm offset auto              0              0            0            0              0

pwm grad auto  0            0              0            0            0

off time 0            0            0              0            0

blank time          16          16              16          16          16


 -end                    -3           -3              -3           -3           -3

 -start                  1            1              1            1            1

Stallguard thrs   0            0              0            0            0

uStep count       0            0              0            0            0

DRVSTATUS        X            Y              Z            Z2          E

sg_result             0            0              0            0            0

stst                      *            *              *            *            *













Driver registers:

                             X              0x00:00:00:00    Bad response!

                             Y              0x00:00:00:00    Bad response!

                             Z              0x00:00:00:00    Bad response!

                             Z2              0x00:00:00:00    Bad response!

                             E              0x00:00:00:00    Bad response!

Testing X connection... Error: All LOW

Testing Y connection... Error: All LOW

Testing Z connection... Error: All LOW

Testing Z2 connection... Error: All LOW

Testing E connection... Error: All LOW

//action:notification TMC CONNECTION ERROR

ok P15 B3


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