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BTT TFT35-E3 V3.0 Won't recognize update files - no firmware update possible

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I have a Ender 3 S1 printer skeleton, but am trying to update it with:

BTT SKR Mini E3 V3.0 Main Board

BTT TFT 35-E3 V3.0 Display

BTT SFS V2.0 Filament Sensor

and finally a BLTOUCH Sensor Leveling Probe

My immediate issue is the TFT35 will not accept/recognize my config.ini file, the TFT35 folder with .BMP and icons, or the
language .ini file.  My .bin file, when copied to my sd card, will actually attempt an update.

But when it reaches 100%, the screen goes BLACK and just sits there in that condition.

I have tried varying versions of the .bin file, but nothing comes close to working.  I actually have been only able to find
source of .bin file that appears to work, it is :  BIGTREE_GD_TFT35_V3.0_E3.27.x.bin  (and this is because I am using a GD32F205VCT6 chip).
Any file name without the "GD" in it does nothing, no matter what size SD Card (under 8GB) is being used or how it is formatted.

In even tried to reset.ini the TFT35, found a link that described the process, but it for naught since I can seem to get anything
to access the files.

If anyone has had this happen to them and found a way of correcting it, I would appreciate your help.

I've already sent in a request for help from BIQU Tech Support, only to be told to copy the same above files to the sd card and well,
you know the story.  No reply since.


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OK, after I submitted the post, I decided to scrounge around the site, searching for answers.  I came across the obscure topic, but figured what the hey.  Well buried inside this post was a link to a site, a BIQU site, that after clicking into it, had the answers to my prayers.  So if anyone else is having similar issues, just click one of the two lines below.

https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIQU-B1/tree/master/Firmware (top of the tree)



I hope this helps in your troubles



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