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BTT PI and the BTT ADXL345 won't work, no guide available


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Hi, I installed a full fresh CB1 kernel image but unfortunately I'am not able to let work the adxl345. Armbian-config command on SHH doesn't config the dedicated BTT PI SPI ADXL345 port. I think that there are some differences from the CB1 but there is not a properly guides to let configure and work the adxl345 on the BTT PI.

Edited by Skappa
Some errors
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Use the following setting to get ADXL working on the BBT Pi board with the dedicated port.
[mcu host] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu
[adxl345] #BTT PI
cs_pin: host:gpio67
spi_bus: spidev0.0
axes_map: x,y,z
accel_chip: adxl345
accel_per_hz: 70 probe_points: 117.5,117.5,10
In the boardenv.txt uncomment only
Edited by Kimmy
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