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john johnson

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I purchased the new SKR 2 board to replace my SKR 1.4 Turbo on my printer. After installing the board I used the version of Marlin that I downloaded from the BTT GitHub SKR 2 files. I compiled the firmware, tripled checked all of my connections, made sure the 12/24-USB jumper was set to the USB side, inserted my FAT formatted SD card with Marlin bin file on it into the board's SD slot, and plugged in my USB cable to my computer. Two red lights came on along with a green light under the SD slot but my computer never recognized the board and the firmware never flashed. My TFT35 came on but stated "no printer attached" and never changed. I followed some diagnostic information from the web and nothing has worked. I have my TMC2209 drivers set up for sensorless end stops and UART mode. My X and Y axis are the only two places where I set the drivers to sensorless, everything else is UART only with my jumper settings on the board.

Things I have tried:  Changing baud rate to 115000 on both ports, powering up with 24-volt power with jumper moved to 12/24, unplugging all connections from the board, reformatted SD card to FAT32, and tried loading the .bin file to a USB stick. 

My setup: SKR 2 with F407 processor (verB),  300 x 300 build area, cartesian style printer, dual Z steppers, BTT TMC2209 drivers, sensorless end-stop, filament runout sensor, BTT relay v1.2, BTT UPS (24v), 24-volt power supply, BTT TFT35 v3.0, Marlin firmware (from BTT GitHub), 3d Touch sensor.

I have built 9 printers and used mostly BTT boards on them without issues. I compiled all the firmware myself and this is the only board I am having issues with. I have used the SKR PRO, SKR 1.3, SKR 1.4. SKR 1.4 Turbo, and the SKR E3 mini. I am no pro but I haven't had issues like this in the past. I like the BTT products but this board, with all the revisions and updates, is more of a headache than an upgrade. I am including copies of my H and AdvH files.

Configuration.h Configuration_adv.h

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