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BTT skr 1.4 turbo


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i am using and skr 1.4 turbo on a 24 volt psu with a BTT tft 35. i have a heated bed, and a MOSFET also 24 volts., the issue is that the bed heats extremely slow, then ill get a printer has been halted.

i have checked for continuity from the MOSFET on both sides 24v nominal, at the terminal on the board 24v nominal.

at this point im convinced i am missing something in my config files becuase it seesm like the bed is lacking for current(slow slow slow heating)

has anyone else seen this issue? if so can a point in the right dorection? i have gon over the heated bed part of the config and am going through again to make surre i havent miss3ed something

thanks in advance


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