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Marlin wont compile for BTT SKR mini e3 v3


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I am having an issue trying to compile Marlin for a SKR mini e3v3. I am getting errors saying there are missing files. I have tried manually creating the folder in the error logs and placing the missing file but it has not solved the issue. The error is as follows:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\user1\\.platformio\\.cache\\tmp\\pkg-installing-rkyy3z6r\\Arduino_Core_STM32-main\\variants\\STM32MP1xx\\MP133AA(E-F-G)_MP133CA(E-F-G)_MP133DA(E-F-G)_MP133FA(E-F-G)_MP135AA(E-F-G)_MP135CA(E-F-G)_MP135DA(E-F-G)_MP135FA(E-F-G)\\PeripheralPins.c'


any suggestions would be appreicated.

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