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The first run of the CB1 eMMc (1GB+32GB)


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As a new BIQU user I have many questions. However, I will limit myself to just one for now. 😇

I have proceeded to launch the CB1 eMMc module (1GB+32GB). After frantically searching for any information on the first startup (the manual provided by the manufacturer is insufficient), I already know a few important things.

  1. the module needs to have the firmware loaded to access the built-in eMMC memory.
  2. the next step is to upload a functional software (OS)
  3. the next step is to configure the OS.

Following the instructions from the raspberrypi-usbboot#building GitHub page, I prepared the tool:


On the M8P controller that I have, I set the required hardware configuration.

It is required to move switch 3 and 4 to the on position (dip switch near the USB ports).  For external power, also remember to remove the cap from the USB C power jumper.

After connecting the USB cable to the computer, it receives the correct information about the device:

$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1f3a:efe8 Allwinner Technology sunxi SoC OTG connector in FEL/flashing mode

In the next step, I run the prepared rpiboot tool:

$ ./rpiboot -v
RPIBOOT: build-date Dec 16 2023 version 20221215~105525 922f3863
Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711...

at this stage receives no response. The program seems to be waiting for something and is unable to complete the action.
I perform all actions as root.

What do I not know about? What should I still do to complete this step successfully❔

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The Biqu team has prepared a lot of guides, it would be nice if they were complete. As it is, they are not sufficient for a new user, they leave a lot of doubts and can be misleading. 😊

For the CB1 controller, I got to know the manuals:

https://github.com/bigtreetech/CB1/blob/master/BIGTREETECH CB1 User Manual.pdf

If you spend many hours with them, familiarizing yourself with all the information, rejecting those that are incorrect for the model you have, you will achieve success. 😉
But why should it take so much time ❔

Therefore, in order to shorten this way for new users, I will draw your attention to the most important facts:

  1. There are no tools available for Linux OS x64 that allow you to prepare a CB1 minicomputer with eMMC. You can learn, prepare and compile everything yourself (+xy hours of work).
  2. In my case, I mounted the CB1 on the Manta M8P controller. When connected to 12.5V, all the electronics did not draw more than 0.35A.
  3. If you connect CB1 to a computer with Windows OS, you have to install the appropriate driver. `Zadig` will help you with this.
  4. Once the firmware is uploaded, you do not need to format the new storage media. However, it is worth doing so. When you upload the new system image, the media is "automatically" formatted.
  5. In my case, it took about 45 minutes to load and verify the ISO image.

As I familiarize myself with these electronics, I reaffirm my opinion that it was still a very good purchase. 🤩
The manuals can be refined and completed. 🤪
In the course of use I will see how the durability and reliability of the electronics compares. I hope I will not be disappointed.


Greetings to all users who will want to try these developments. 😉


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